Sunday, June 3, 2007

22 Second Consumption

It seems like the world today is consumed by anger.. anger at our own shortcomings, our own failures..anger at the order of things or the lack there of.. anger at each other, for our differences.. There's a growing impatience for the timing of nature.... Must we all look the same, be the same, think the same, feel the same- to be correct, to be accepted, and to be loved?.. so I state the cliché of the century- why can't we all just get along? Anger is counterproductive.. We will never be happy if futile quarrelling ultimately disengages us..

I feel as though the last 22 years of my life has gone by in 22 seconds.. a second for every year.. and each moment that has yet to pass seems like far too much time to waste.. One of my greater fears is to wake up tomorrow and realize that I did nothing with today because I was crippled by such petulance.. Second only to losing someone that I love..

I want to believe in the good of humanity.. After all, I do believe in love and love is good.. and part of being human is possessing the ability to love.. if only ability could be actuality.. There is peace in the realization that sometimes the lack of success does not necessarily constitute failure, it establishes new opportunities.. And it is possible for mayhem to be the natural order of life.. Differences can be strengths.. And disagreements create growth. Without growth, life becomes nothing more than a slow, antagonizing death.

"How often, for some trivial wrong, in anger we retaliate, we learn, although it takes us long, that life is far to brief for hate." Margaret E. Bruner

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